Building an OBD-II + GPS data logger with Microduino

P1050336Right now an enhanced version for the Arduino OBD-II data logger kit is under development. The new kit will feature 10Hz GPS logging via MTK3329, OBD-II data logging via Arduino OBD-II adapter, and 3-axis accelerometer sensor data logging via MPU6050 embedded inside the adapter. What is more interesting is that the new kit will base on a variant of Arduino, named Microduino, with smaller size and better capability, stackable like normal Arduino, making the whole kit small and tidy.

For those who have previously ordered the Arduino OBD-II data logger kit, there is no worry about your investment, as the most worthy parts in the kit (OBD-II adapter and I2C OLED module) are still usable in the new kit, and there will also be an upgrade pack (including the new Microduino parts and MTK3329 GPS receiver) by the time the new kit is ready for order.

About Microduino

Let me briefly introduce about the Arduino variant. The Microduino features two types. The type Core, which is 100% compatible with Arduino UNO (ATMega328 based) in both software and hardware pinouts. The type Core+ is based on ATMega644P. They share the same board size and stackable shields. The Core+ is used for the new kit, which features:

  • 2 hardware serial UART (one for OBD-II adapter and one for GPS)
  • 64KB program memory / 4KB SRAM /2KB EEPROM
  • Stackable MicroSD/TF shield
  • Stackable FT232 USB shield (for uploading program)

A dedicated extension board is developed for the new kit. 2 serial UART pinouts and 2 I2C pinouts are available on the board for easy connection of Arduino OBD-II adapter and GPS receiver.

The extension board for the new OBD-II data logger kit

For development environment, the standard Arduino IDE can be used with some mods. A better choice is to use CodeBlocks Arduino IDE which will provide you an out-of-box experience with this Arduino variant. You can also use Arduino Builder to compile and upload you pre-written sketch to the board.

CodeBlocks Arduino IDE with Microduino support

Arduino Builder - Step 1Arduino Builder with Microduino support

Running OBD-II OLED dashboard example

Running OBD-II data logger sketch

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