Arduino Builder was recently updated. In this release, AVR GCC has been upgraded to version 4.9.1. Arduino core and libraries files have been synchronised with Arduino IDE 1.7.10. Some minor UI issues were solved. If you don’t know about the software, head for its home page.
News & Events
Arduino Builder 0.9.1 Released
The new version has added an option of “Optimize for Speed” which Arduino IDE does not provide. This will make your sketch compiled into faster code but larger in size. Download the latest release from here.
Arduino Builder updated and synced with Arduino IDE 1.6.4
Arduino Builder was just updated. The new release contains header and library files from Arduino IDE 1.6.4. AVR toolchain and AVRDUDE are also updated to latest version.
Download the latest release from here.
Cheers on the all new Arduino Yún!
Finally Arduino combies with Linux. The name is also brilliant! Yún(云) means cloud in Chinese language and that indiciates this Arduino goes up to the cloud, with either WIFI or RJ45. There is USB host and MicroSD socket onboard too.
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Arduino Uploader 0.6 released with both GUI and CLI versions
Arduino Uploader now comes with GUI version which makes compiling and uploading an Arduino sketch to the board never easier. With no more than 3 clicks, you sketch will be running on your board. Take a look at the the screenshot. The command line version is also updated and have the same functionality as the GUI version while the former can be integrated into 3rd party applications (a real example: Mind+).
CodeBlocks Arduino Edition released with Arduino Uploader of brand new look
CodeBlocks Arduino Edition integrated Arduino Uploader for uploading compiled sketch to Arduino board. Now the uploader has a brand new look and feel. Check it out in the latest release of CodeBlocks Arduino Edition.
Arduino OBD-II library gets updated
This maintenance update mainly fixed the library’s compatiblity issue with Arduino Leonardo and other ATMega32U4 based new boards. The folder structure has also some adjustments. The shield library files which demo sketches use are now placed in their sub-folders respectively. A new demo sketch was added in the release package (source code) which drives a tiny cool OLED module to make a dashboard for the car. The module can be ordered here.
Arduino OBD-II adapter now available in DFRobot Store
If you want to pick up more Arduino goodies together with the Arduino OBD-II UART adapter, now you can order it in DFRobot Store, one of the biggest online Arduino and robotic merchant in the world.
CodeBlocks Arduino IDE gets updated
CodeBlocks Arduino IDE is a complete out-of-box programming environment for Arduino which will be loved by software engineers demanding a more powerful IDE and those who need to heavily modify or develop Arduino libraries. I have been maintaining the project basically to provide myself a productive and flexible Arduino development environment. Now I mainly release for Windows, while someone else has forked my code on github and maintain the linux port. Continue reading
Arduino Uploader 0.5.2 released
Arduino Uploader has been updated to 0.5.2. In this revision, following changes have been made:
- added board types of Arduino Esplora, Arduino Micro and Arduino Mega 8
- serial port enumeration and choice when unspecified
- display MCU memory consumption after sketch compiliation